

Call for papers closed!

The Faculty of Sciences and Letters of UNESP Araraquara is pleased to invite you to the 1st International Poetry Meeting – 100+1 years of João Cabral de Melo Neto, to be held from November 8th to 11th, 2021, live and online.

The Meeting aims to be a space for dialogue between professors, researchers, students and those interested in current perspectives on poetry theories and criticisms, literature and its relation among other arts, the importance of the poet João Cabral de Melo Neto in the history of Brazilian and Spanish poetry. We will watch the theoretical-critical reflections on the importance and education of poetry in contemporary society offered by poets, professors and researchers from different educational institutions.

Interested parties are invited to submit proposals for the presentation of oral communications until March 12 of 2020. For more information, click here.

Date of the event

November 8, 2021, 8:00 am to November 11, 2021, 6:00 pm

Short course modality

Registration is done via the link below.

To register in the listener mode, without presentation of paper, wait for the link to be released and fill out the form.

Listening mode

Registration is done via the link below.

To register in the listener mode, without presentation of paper, access the link and fill out the form.

Communication proposals

Call for papers closed!


Students regularly enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, masters and doctoral courses in Letters and other related areas may submit abstracts of papers to the oral communications sessions.

Professors, researchers and professionals whose performance and studies are related to the themes of the Meeting are also able to submit papers. The abstracts must have between 1500 to 2000 characters.

The relation with the proposed themes is essential, and failure to comply with this requirement will prevent the approval of the abstract. The papers may have up to 2 (two) co-authors. Each author may submit only one work.

Attention to Deadlines

Deadline for submission of proposals (abstracts):
inscrição encerrada
Deadline for publication of accepted works:
inscrição encerrada
Deadline for submission of the complete paper and authorization for publication in the conference proceedings: 13/12/2021
Deadline for registration as attendee (without presentation of oral communication): 31/10/2021

Criteria for abstract evaluation

The abstracts of the papers will be selected through blind evaluation carried out by 2 (two) ad hoc reviewers, considering the following criteria:

a) thematic adequacy to the 1st International Poetry Meeting;

b) relevance and delimitation of the object of study;

c) adequacy of the methodology to the object and activity proposal;

d) theoretical and bibliographic foundation;

e) coherence, cohesion and adequacy of the text presented to the standards of the accepted languages


Thematic axes

1. Brazilian poetry and criticism

2. poetry theories

3. poetry, other arts and other media

4. modern and contemporary poetry

5. João Cabral’s poetics

6. relations between poetry and prose

7. poetry and education

Guidelines for presentation of paper abstracts

The paper abstracts must contain a character count of at least 1500 characters and at most 2000 characters, sent exclusively via form, containing the following elements:

a) title;

b) chosen theme

c) exposition of the studied case;

d) objectives;

f) methodology;

g) theoretical approach.

Abstracts that do not comply with these rules will not be accepted. Proposals will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

The proposal submission form contains the fields .

a) Full name;

b) title;

c) home institution;

d) financing institution of the work (if any);

e) researcher’s telephone and email address.